Our History

Calvary Baptist Church of Englewood

On Sunday, February 2, 1969, Pastors Ray Thompson and Wally Metts decided to hold revival meetings in the small town of Englewood. These meetings were held at the Lemon Bay Women’s Club and sixteen people showed up for that first meeting. Out of these meetings sprang forth the First Independent Baptist Church.

Wally Metts moved on to continue with church planting efforts, and Ray Thompson became the first pastor. In 1970, the church moved to its present location at 75 Pine St. The first building that was built was dedicated as the Thompson building, and the first service was held in it on February 7, 1971. Ernest Humphries became the pastor in 1971. He changed the name to Community Baptist Church. Roy Perry was voted in as pastor in 1974, and it was at that time the church’s name came to be known as Calvary Baptist Church.

In November of 1981, God called Wally Metts back to Englewood. Under his leadership, the following things happened: the current auditorium was built (1987); WSEB was started (1989); the production of “The Lambbegan (1992); a playground was added (2001); and the Calvary Family Life Center was built (2002). 

In January of 2025, Daniel Cox was voted in as the 11th pastor. The church is continuing the principles upon which it was founded back in 1969 of reaching people with the gospel, missions, and Bible preaching.

50th Anniversary Video